안녕하세요! 파카씨입니다
오늘은 제가 개고생 해서 ... 직접 터득한 맥 사용 팁 하나를 소개하려고 합니다!!
맥을 사용하시는 분들 중에 윈도우를 같이 사용하기 위해 맥에 ‘부트캠프’를 이용해서 윈도우를 설치하시는 분들이 많이 있을텐데요!
저도 패럴럴즈를 이용하다가 가상컴퓨터라는 단점 때문에 결국 부트캠프로 갈아탔습니다.
그렇게 윈도우를 설치했는데!!!
ㅠㅠㅠ 뭐가 문제인지 와이파이가 안 되고 소리도 안 나는 등 ... 뭔가 윈도우 기능이 100프로 구현되지가 않았습니다.
처음에는 안 되는 기능만 골라서 드라이버를 다운받아보려고 했는데 뭔가 제대로 되지가 않더라구요 ...
그렇게 몇 시간을 인터넷으로 뒤져보다가 방법을 찾았습니다!!!
Hello! This is Parka.
I had a hard time today... I'm going to introduce a MAC tip that I learned myself!
There must be a lot of people who use Mac to install Windows using Boot Camp to use Windows together!
I was also using Parallows, but eventually switched to a boot camp because of the disadvantage of being a virtual computer.
That's how I installed the window!
ㅠㅠ What's the problem? Wi-Fi doesn't work and there's no sound... Something about the window function is not 100% implemented.
At first, I tried to download only the functions that didn't work, but something didn't work.
I searched on the internet for hours and found a way!
Run the Bootcamp Support app.
First, go into the lunch pad and run the Bootcamp Support app. It's the program I first used to install windows with bootcamp.
Then you'll see a screen like this, but don't press Continue here and go to the top menu.
Please press the "motion" part of the top menu.
Then you can find something called downloading Windows-enabled software.
Please press that and download it.
Then these files will be downloaded. Press it and go in.
There are two folders and one file, and please enter the 'Boot Camp' folder at the end.
Then there is the 'set-up' installation file. You can install that file on Windows!
It's working well now that I've done it. ㅠㅠ Originally, all these drivers should be automatically installed at the beginning, but there must be something wrong.
For those who have installed windows with bootcamp who are suffering from driver problems, this will solve them neatly.